​Community Tree Planting to Celebrate 50-Year Mark for Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District

​Community Tree Planting to Celebrate 50-Year Mark for Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District

Since 1972, the Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District has served the people of Adams, Butler, Clay, Polk, Hamilton, Fillmore, Seward, Saline, and York Counties.

To celebrate 50 years of conservation activities, the NRD is offering communities in the district the opportunity to plant a nursery stock tree (4-8 ft size) and be reimbursed for the cost (up to $300). Anniversary trees are to be planted in April on public lands to celebrate the NRD’s 50-year history of tree planting in the district. This April also marks the 150th anniversary of Arbor Day, Nebraska’s tree planting holiday.

“Each year, the Upper Big Blue NRD provides thousands of low-cost, bulk trees for planting across the district through our Conservation Tree Program,” said Kyle Yrkoski, district forester. Orders for trees are collected November to March each year, then trees are distributed in April in time for spring planting. In total, the Upper Big Blue NRD has sold more than one million trees for planting in the district over the past half century. “Planting trees is a simple conservation practice that can have big rewards,” said Yrkoski, noting the many benefits of windbreaks, including decreased costs for heating and cooling buildings, wildlife habitat improvement, and flood control.

To participate in the NRD’s anniversary tree promotion, trees must be purchased by the city/village and planted on public property. The community must submit a receipt for the purchase of the tree, along with photos of the tree planting and a W-9 form by June 1, 2022. The maximum amount of reimbursement per community will be $300 and will cover the cost of one tree.  The tree planting photos will be shared on social media to celebrate and promote tree planting in the district.

Questions? Please call (402) 362-6601 or email trees@upperbigblue.org. Full details on NRD tree programs, including a list of communities eligible for the anniversary tree promotion from the Upper Big Blue NRD, can be found here. While you're there, be sure to check out other community resources programs available through the NRD.
The NRD tree planting crew installed 500 trees at Buckley Park in Stromsburg in spring 2020 to augment the city's new campground facilities.

tree planting crew spring 2020