Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act (NiRIA) Reimbursement Program

Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act (NiRIA) Reimbursement Program

LB1368, the Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act (NiRIA), established a state program to incentivize producers to reduce the use of commercial fertilizers. The Upper Big Blue NRD will provide incentive payments to producers that verify a reduction in nitrogen fertilizer application rates as the lesser of 40 pounds/acre or 15% of their baseline application rate. Baseline application rates will be specific to a given field and calculated based on an average reported nitrogen application in previous corn crop years, excluding years after 2024. Rates of reduction will be determined based on all nitrogen applications on or after November 1, 2024.


Incentive payment rates are based on field location within three District Priority Areas (A, B, and C).  Other nitrogen sources (e.g., manure, wastewater, etc.) may not be used to replace the reduced commercial fertilizer. The method, product, or practice to achieve nitrogen reduction is at the discretion of the producer. Maximum reimbursement payment is set at $7,500 per applicant.

Application Process

Prior to applying for the program, producers may contact the NRD to find the calculated baseline application rate for any field of interest. Applications may be ranked based on criteria set by the NRD. Availability of state funds may also determine the number of approved applications/acres.  Applicants should apply via an approved application form.

Priority Areas and Payment Rates

  • Priority A (Certified Irrigated Acres in Phase II/III Areas, Wellhead Protection Areas): $15 per acre
  • Priority B (Certified Irrigated Acres in Phase I Areas): $12 per acre

  • Priority C (Dryland Acres): $10 per acre

Important Deadlines

  • January 15, 2025: Producers’ deadline to apply for NiRIA Reimbursement Program
  • March 15, 2025: NRD deadline to notify producers of acceptance or denial in program
  • January 15, 2026: Producers’ deadline to submit documentation of reduction or forfeit funds
  • March 1, 2026: NRD deadline to disburse funds (reimbursement will occur as soon as producer documents reduction)

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Submission of completed application for each field (tract) prior to January 15th of each program year including:
    1. Necessary documentation, establishing each field’s baseline nitrogen application rate (established by NRD)
    2. Practices to be used to achieve the application rate reduction.
  2. NRD notification to producer that application has been approved or denied by March 15 of current program year. 
  3. Prior to January 15 (or next business day if January 15 falls on a holiday or weekend) of next program year, producers must submit all necessary documentation (fertilizer records, consultant summary sheet, etc.) showing the reduction of application on fields, or producer forfeits payments. 
  4. If the nitrogen application rate reduction achieves the program goals (reduction equivalent to the lesser of 40 pounds or 15%), payment will be made to the producer once the documentation has been submitted to the NRD.

Additional Resources