Educational Assistance
Educational Resources
- Project Learning Tree
- The Groundwater Foundation Kids
- Nebraska WAVES (informative videos about water)
- Adventure Camp About the Environment (ACE Camp)
Looking for a presenter for youth environmental education? Need a speaker on natural resources topics? Reach out to Chrystal Houston, NRD public relations manager, to get started.
Educational Capital Projects Fund (ECAP)
The purpose of ECAP is to create, develop, or enhance natural resources-related educational capital projects that create experiential learning environments and opportunities for District citizens.
Grant applications are due May 1 of each year. Awardees will be notified in June.
To qualify for the Educational Capital Fund Program (ECAP) educational/conservation projects must be physically located, constructed, and maintained within the Upper Big Blue NRD boundary. These educational capital projects are generally constructed on school property, however, can be located elsewhere in the NRD boundary if there is a more suitable eco-system which again is determined on a case-by-case basis for funding determination by the board of directors.
This fund is for capital items only, deemed to have educational/conservation value, and determined worthy of funding on a case-by-case basis by Upper Big Blue NRD. (This is not a scholarship fund for individual/group of students).
Examples of such projects include, but are not limited to greenhouses; commercial and botanical gardens/vegetative learning plots; beekeeping/honey production equipment; rain/flood/dam/erosion/wind simulators; interactive and hands-on exhibits; educational learning displays/pods; digital/electronic equipment/devices; and research/demonstration equipment, etc.
Funding Parametric
If the total project cost is $1,000 or less, then the cost-share may be 100% of the actual cost. If the total project cost is greater than $1,000, then the cost-share may be $1,000 + 5% of the total cost not to exceed $10,000 (funding scale on page 5 of the application).
Funds Available
Maximum Payment from NRD Funds: $10,000.00 (labor costs excluded)
Minimum Payment from NRD Funds: $100.00 (labor costs excluded)
State Cost-Share: None
Federal Cost-Share: None
Mini Classroom Environmental Grants
The Mini Classroom Environmental Grant Program sponsored by the Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District promotes environmental activities and projects in preschools and schools within the Upper Big Blue NRD area. The district includes all of York County and parts of the following counties: Adams, Butler, Clay, Fillmore, Hamilton, Polk, Saline, and Seward. These grants are offered on a first come, first served basis, and have a maximum of $300 per teacher/classroom. This program is limited to public or private schools, or homeschool cooperatives. It is not intended for FFA, 4-H, scouts, families, or other groups.
Grant Uses and Project Ideas
Funds can be used by teachers to promote water, soil, wildlife, forest, and grassland education. General ideas that might work into your curriculum include environmental panoramas, binoculars, microscopes, bird feeders, planting supplies, Earth Day materials, life cycle kits, environmental demonstration models, activity supplies, etc. Field trips that include natural resources content may be considered, but the grant may be used for admission to museums and other attractions only, not for bussing or meals. Most environmental-related requests will be approved; we’ll let you know if your request is not appropriate for the scope of this grant.
Application Process and Procedures
- Complete the application form online. Be sure to state the project description, purpose, objectives, supplies needed, and estimated costs. You may attach additional documentation as needed.
- Application form must be completed at least 6 weeks before the funds are desired. Submit the completed application and any additional correspondence to
- After the application is approved, a check will be made out to the school within a month. Please keep in mind it may take some time to receive your check, as the expense must be approved by the Board of Directors.
- While receipts will not be required, we do request a short project report on how your activity went and what the students learned. This is due within one month of project completion. Please return any unused funds in excess of $20.
- Only one application per teacher (or classroom) per fiscal year (July 1- June 30) will be considered.