Flow Meters

Flow Meters

The Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District encourages the efficient use of groundwater for irrigation so that there will continue to be abundant water for all beneficial uses in our district. NRD funds are available for irrigators to repair and maintain flow meters. 

Repairs: Cost-Share Eligibility

All flow meters used in the district are eligible for flowmeter repair cost-share once every four years. Mandatory flow meters are not eligible until the meter has been installed for four (4) years. Flowmeters are not cost-share eligible while still under the manufacturer’s warranty. Repairs must include proper installation in accordance with the district’s requirements. The district may waive the “proper installation” requirements for flowmeters installed voluntarily prior to June 30, 2010, if the district can determine that the meter is recording accurately (plus or minus five percent).  

Repairs: Cost–Share Rate

The cost-share rate is fifty percent (50%) not to exceed $500 per flowmeter repair.  The program will allow for the replacement of electronic flowmeters that are not repairable with new or refurbished mechanical flowmeters. The maximum cost-share per landowner for flowmeter repair is $1,000 per fiscal year. The minimum cost-share payment is $100.


Maintenance Program

The district is in the mandatory reporting phase of the Groundwater Management Area Rules and Regulations. Proper maintenance is critical to ensuring that flowmeters accurately measure groundwater withdrawal. Without regular maintenance flowmeters will begin to provide inaccurate data and eventually fail. Routine flowmeter inspection and maintenance is required for all irrigation flowmeters in the district. 

Mechanical Flowmeters

Mechanical flowmeters will be inspected and serviced on a five (5) year rotation. Maintenance and inspection will include an evaluation of the flowmeter’s current operating condition, compliance with minimum installation requirements, lubrication of bearings and mounting gaskets as needed. A protective cover often referred to as a “canopy boot” may be provided at the district’s discretion. 

Electronic Flowmeters

Electronic flowmeters will be visited every four (4) years. The district will replace batteries. The cost of batteries will be billed to the owner of the flowmeter.

Eligibility & Cost-Share

All flowmeters used on irrigation wells are required to be enrolled. There is no charge for this service. One hundred percent (100%) of the program’s funding is provided by the district.

Costs associated with repairs of a flowmeter and/or its proper installation, determined by the maintenance inspection, are the responsibility of the well owner. Some flowmeters may qualify for cost-share assistance for repairs. Applications for flowmeter repair cost-share are available at www.upperbigblue.org/forms or by contacting the office at (402) 362-6601.

Approved Flowmeter List