Irrigation Water Nitrate Analysis - Zones 6 & 11

Irrigation Water Nitrate Analysis - Zones 6 & 11

Operators within a management zone that has been designated a Phase III Management Zone must have their irrigation water tested for nitrates at least once every three years.  Zones 6 and 11 moved to a Phase III Management Area in January 2022, and operators within these zones are now required to submit water samples. Zones 6 and 11 include the following townships:

Zone 6
York County: Hays (09N-03W), Henderson (09N-04W), Baker (10N-03W), Brown (10N-04W)

Hamilton County: Farmers Valley (09N-05W), Beaver (10N-05W)

Zone 11
Seward County: Map E (11N-01E), Map F (11N-02E), Map G (11N-03E), Map H (11N-04E), Map L (10N-01E), Map K (10N-02E), Map J (10N-03E), Map I (10N-04E), Map O (09N-03E), Map P (09N-04E)

Irrigation wells in Zones 6 and 11 must be sampled by April 1, 2025.

Zone 5 is a Phase III Management Area and is due the following year. Zone 5 includes the following townships:

Zone 5
York County: Bradshaw (11N-4W), Lockridge (11N-03W), New York (11N-02W), Waco (11N-01W), Leroy (10N-02W), Beaver (10N-01W)

Irrigation wells in Zone 5 must be sampled by April 1, 2026.

Important things to remember:

  • All active irrigation wells in Zones 5, 6, and 11 must be sampled.
  • Comingled wells need to be sampled individually.
  • Follow sampling instructions, especially the timeframe for delivery.
  • If there are multiple wells per quarter, be specific when labeling – sub-quarter or physical location description is helpful to assign results and therefore, comply with rules and regulations.

The Upper Big Blue NRD is now utilizing a new database software that will allow staff to better track reporting information, such as, phase reports, sensor reports, and water samples. Wells in Zones 6 & 11 that have not been sampled by April 1, 2025, and wells in Zone 5 that have not been sampled by April 1, 2026, will be found in violation of District rules and regulations.