Lynn W. Yates

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Lynn W. Yates

BOARD CHAIRMAN -- Sub-District 4 Representative

Sub-District 4, Geneva
(402) 759-4732

Lynn Yates is a lifelong Nebraskan. He has farmed for 50+ years raising hogs, cattle, and irrigated corn and soybeans. Yates enjoys collecting Corvettes and old tractors, as well as spending time with his grandchildren and attending their many activities. He has served on the board of the Upper Big Blue NRD since 2009. Through his involvement with the board, he aims to protect groundwater quantity and quality and to encourage conservation of natural resources.

He wishes more people understood that “the NRD has many projects and programs other than water for the benefit of everyone in the district, both rural and urban…As a board, we need to work together with the patrons of the whole district to do what is best for now and in the future in a proactive way,” he said.

Years of Board Service