​NRD to Host Birding Event

​NRD to Host Birding Event

Spring is on the horizon and birds are flocking to Nebraska’s central flyway. It’s a great time to grab your binoculars and camp chair and visit Teal View Wetland Education Area near Hampton. This public access wetland is managed by the Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District and is frequented by thousands of birds each year, as well as many other species of reptiles, amphibians, and mammals.

The Upper Big Blue NRD will host a birding event on Saturday, March 19, from 8-9 a.m. at Teal View. Thanks to a partnership with Nebraska Game and Parks, the NRD will have 20 sets of binoculars and birding guides available for use at the event. There is no cost to attend.

Bring a friend and come see nature’s wonders in a wetland, one of Nebraska’s most important and endangered landscapes. In case of bad weather, we will move the birding event to Saturday, March 26. 

Participants are encouraged to:
  • Dress warmly, including waterproof footwear.
  • Wear quiet clothing (no noisy fabrics or buckles) in natural colors to blend in with the wetland surroundings (camo optional!)
  • Bring something to sit on (the ground will likely be cold and damp and benches have not yet been installed).
  • Plan for stillness. Participants will spread out in the space and observe wildlife quietly. The birding activity will be self-guided.
  • Bring a camera or journal to record your experience.
  • Let us know if you plan to come! RSVP to info@upperbigblue.org or by calling 402-362-6601 so that we can send out updates in case of a change of time or venue.
  • Plan ahead: Teal View is minimally developed and has no bathroom facilities. 

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