"Old Settlers History of York County" was published in 1913 and contains information about the historical marker at Overland Trail Recreation Area.
Beginning on page 8, the document states: "Next the party proceeded to locate the Jack Smith Stage Station which was about 3/4 of a mile down the creek. There was no trouble in locating the Stage Station it was on the banks of a big draw on Sec. 15—10—2, this is the Station made famous by the shooting of a drunken stage driver by the keeper of the Station—Jack Smithy, the victim was a driver in charge of the overland stage coach, and in passing over the road stopped at Smith's Station. He was, under the influence of "pioneer whiskey", very abusive, and finally declared his intention to shoot Mr. Smith.
With this purpose in view, he went to the stage, secured his revolvers, returned to the ranch and drew a bead on Mr. Smith, just as he was about to enter the ranch.
Mr. Smith shot first, the ball entering the forehead and producing instant death. Our Mr. Henderson saw the fellow's hat with the bullet hole through the band. Near the site of Mr. Smith's old Stage Station, on the bluffs, a few ro(a)ds south of Beaver Creek, on the northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 10, Range 2, may be seen the grave of the first white man interred in York County. His death occurred in 1865, was tragic and brought on by his own evil intentions."