Resources for Private Dam Owners

Resources for Private Dam Owners

Dams provide many benefits across Nebraska, from water for irrigation and livestock, to flood control, to countless recreation opportunities. Landowners can see immediate and long-term returns on the investment of installing and maintaining dams of all sizes. The Upper Big Blue NRD’s Private Dams Program provides technical assistance and financial incentives to landowners that want to install a new structure or rebuild existing structures that are damaged. The program offers 75 percent of the project costs up to a maximum cost-share of $75,000.  Eligible costs include construction and design services provided by a private engineering firm.

The Association of State Dam Safety Officials recently held a one-day Nebraska Dam Owner Workshop in conjunction with the Department of Natural Resources. The workshop was designed to provide practical information on topics of importance to dam owners and those with an interest in dams. Attendees had the opportunity to meet with technical experts, Nebraska dam safety officials, and other dam owners. The workshop provided information on state dam safety laws and regulations, dealing with extreme storm events, common reasons why dams fail, operation and maintenance of dams, safety inspections and emergency action plans, and funding for dam repairs. They also offered advice on when to hire a professional engineer and how to find the right assistance.

NRD Engineering Technician Drew ten Bensel inspects a dam

dam inspection


The workshop included a session on dam inspections, including scheduling, procedures, and participation.  The Nebraska Department of Natural Resources ( is a good source for information on these topics and is available to provide technical assistance with dam inspections, maintenance, or rehabilitation activities. Their useful guide Inspection and Maintenance of Your Earthen Dam is available on our website as well as DNR’s website. According to this manual, at least one dam fails almost every year in Nebraska, putting lives at risk and causing damage to downstream property. Even a small dam can release large quantities of water and sediment capable of causing catastrophic damage for miles downstream, destroying crops, roads, highways, bridges, buildings, and homes. Nebraska statutes specifically state that the owner of a dam shall be liable for all damages arising from the failure of their dam. Proper maintenance reduces the potential liability associated with your dam. Annual maintenance and scheduled inspections are vital in keeping dams safe.  

Common dam maintenance issues at NRD dams include inadequate vegetation cover, unwanted trees, rodent holes, and/or erosion on the crest, upstream face, or downstream face of the dam. NRD staff regularly inspects and provides maintenance activities on dams across the district. 

There are over 40,000 dams in the state of Nebraska. The Department of Natural Resources regulates nearly 3,000 inventory size dams in the state. Inventory size dams are 25 feet or more in height or have a maximum storage capacity of 50 acre-feet or more. The Upper Big Blue NRD has operation and maintenance responsibilities for 42 dams across nine counties. This includes one high hazard dam (Hastings NW) and six significant hazard dams (Dorchester 1A, Dorchester 2A, Larson, Oxbow Trail, Recharge, and Smith Creek).  Hazard classification of dams does not reflect on the condition of the structure, rather the potential impact a dam failure (breach) or mis-operation (unscheduled release) could have on upstream and/or downstream areas. High hazard dams are those where failure or mis-operation will probably cause loss of human life. Nebraska has a total of 160 high hazard dams.

For more information on dam maintenance, visit  

inspecting a dam