​Water Leaders Academy: Sponsorship Available for District Residents

​Water Leaders Academy: Sponsorship Available for District Residents

Abundant clean water is an essential component of Nebraska’s economy and the health and wellbeing of all Nebraskans. Stewarding this valuable resource through educating leaders is the goal of the Nebraska Water Leaders Academy. Through six 1.5-day trainings over the course of a year, participants learn from a variety of people working in the field and tour locations around Nebraska to see how resources are managed.

The board of directors of the Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District believes that the Water Leaders Academy is a great opportunity for district residents, especially those with interest in serving on the board of the NRD in the future. The board has approved a sponsorship for one district resident to attend per year. This sponsorship is not limited to those working in natural resources or land management. Any district resident may apply.

The total cost of attending the Water Leaders Academy, including lodging and some meals, is $2,000. The NRD sponsorship would cover $1,500 of that cost.

The board’s originally proposed plan would have offered the NRD sponsorship for participation in the 2021 Water Leaders Academy program. However, the 2020 WLA session was disrupted by the global pandemic. In 2021, the cohort will be made up primarily of those from the 2020 class who were unable to complete the program and the format will be altered. Therefore, the sponsorship from the NRD will be available starting with the 2022 Water Leaders Academy. Applications will be taken in fall 2021.

The Water Leaders Academy is structured around two tracks—leadership and resources. In the leadership section, University of Nebraska professors and other experts share proven concepts and practical applications of leadership principals. The leadership track focuses on conflict management, skills assessment, personal empowerment, and motivation. In the resources track, expert presenters explain the history of water compacts, decrees, and regulations in Nebraska. Sessions focus on water policy, research, and the economic value of our most important river basins. The goal is to gain a basic understanding of Nebraska’s natural resources and water issues.

For full details on how to apply for the sponsorship from the NRD and apply to attend the Water Leaders Academy, visit www.upperbigblue.org/education.