

The Upper Big Blue NRD is divided into 12 groundwater quality Management Zones. The median nitrate value for that zone determines the phase of management and therefore, rules and regulations. Taking a...
The Upper Big Blue NRD is pleased to have a number of new employees on the staff. Jaden Groff and Jake Mitchell joined the NRD in November as water resources technicians. Both are recent graduates of...
One important benefit of cover crops is that they can provide another option in controlling weed populations--especially weeds that can resist herbicides. Weeds that have evolved characteristics that...
In recent years, the district has seen an increase in the number of chemigation permits granted as producers are continuing to adopt chemical and fertilizer application through their irrigation...
The Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District offers an incentive program for producers in portions of the Recharge Lake Watershed, the Beaver Creek Watershed, and some municipal Wellhead Protection...
Lake Hastings straddles the boundary between the Upper Big Blue and Little Blue NRDs and presents a unique opportunity for the entities to join forces with the City of Hastings to improve both urban...