

The soil under your feet can tell you a lot about the quality of the water hundreds of feet below. A new research collaboration between the Upper Big Blue NRD and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln...
In an era of extreme weather, growers across the globe are more focused than ever on adequate irrigation to sustain crops through periods of drought. Severe drought can threaten a farmer’s livelihood...
During March and April 2021, NRD staff measured roughly 500 observation wells throughout the district. The goal of these well measurements is to determine an average water level change for the...
Now in its fourth year, the Project GROW (Growing Rotational crops on Wellfield) demonstration fields on the City of York wellfield are trying something new: alfalfa and sorghum. The five-year...
Producers in the Upper Big Blue and Central Platte NRDs, the Nebraska Soil Carbon Project is ready to enroll your acres! This project will provide greater financial incentives to producers who utilize...
NRD raising awareness of best practices, gathering feedback for next steps (York, NE—March 29, 2021) When it comes to water quality, the facts are clear and the water is murky: Beaver Creek and...