

Boy Scout Jayden Butzke has enjoyed camping, fishing, sledding, and kayaking at Smith Creek Recreation Area near Utica for years, but on one recent visit, he realized something was missing from the...
Programs abound at the NRD to improve habitat on private acres By: Amanda McLeod and Jaden Groff Did you know more than 75 percent of the world's flowering plants depend on pollinators to reproduce...
Operators within a management zone that has been designated a Phase III Management Zone must have their irrigation water tested for nitrates at least once every three years. Zones 6 and 11 moved to a...
The South Central Ag Lab, SCAL, is seeking producers interested in holding a seat on the SCAL Advisory Committee. Participants help guide and promote the work conducted by the University of Nebraska...
The Upper Big Blue NRD is divided into 12 groundwater quality Management Zones. The median nitrate value for that zone determines the phase of management and therefore, rules and regulations. Taking a...
District growers: keep an eye on your mailbox for something new from the NRD. This winter with your annual Phase II/III and Hastings Management Area Reports you will receive a Nitrogen Use Summary...