

Chrystal Houston isn’t new to the area, but she is new to her position as public relations manager for the Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District. As of August 1, she stepped into the position...
The Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District will hold a public hearing and informational open house on Monday, August 19, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Holthus Convention Center (3130 Holen Avenue, York)...
By Kyle Yrkoski, Water Resources Technician-UBBNRD Chemigation, sometimes called fertigation, uses a center pivot or subsurface drip irrigation system to apply fertilizer and/or pesticides to growing...
By Dan Leininger, Water Conservationist Project GROW is starting its second full year. GROW is an acronym for Growing Rotational crops On Wellfields. The Upper Big Blue NRD, in cooperation with the...
Wade Backstrom joined the UBBNRD in October 2018. He is from David City and attended the University of Nebraska Lincoln where he received a bachelor’s degree in Fisheries and Wildlife. Wade is a Water...
The Upper Big Blue NRD Board of Directors recently approved the Educational Capital Projects Fund (ECAP) to create, develop, or establish natural resource education outreach projects, programs, and/or...